I'm not sure I'd use a Lenca pottery bowl to cook in. You'll also then know which terminal your tender will depart from, giving you a better sense of which direction to go. Takes less than a minute to scan over and you can take it with you and review on the ride back to the Tourism Village, assuming it has a decent listing of all the shops. Also, you ship will most likely distribute a shopping guide for each of your ports the night before arrival.

But it will probably contain only the cruise line endorsed stores like Diamonds International. If someone has scanned their ship's shopping guide, that'll be a start. Then go into the Tourism Village and the shopping there if you have time. When you alight from your excursion bus, van, taxi. But you can walk one end of the pier to the other in under 5 minutes. Look for vanilla beans in the list of ingredients. The Top Neighborhoods SAN MIGUEL DE COZUMEL This is the main town on the island where the vast majority of the restaurants are. Fans love it for its strong flavor, which tends to be more robust than the vanillas available in the U.S. I think there are only a couple of shops in the Tourism Village (the tender pier) with these items. Vanilla In-the-know cruisers stock up on bottles of organic vanilla when they’re in Cozumel, and it makes for a unique gift, especially for the avid bakers in your life.