
Off wasted years
Off wasted years

off wasted years

off wasted years

Considering their track record thus far, it's surprising that what Wasted Years feels like it needs most is some careful editing. Too often, OFF! do something exciting before plopping a sluggish song into the mix, which might come off as a petty grievance if OFF!'s most powerful songs didn't possess the duality of sounding vicious and effortlessly pared back.

off wasted years


Lost momentum is a fairly common occurance on Wasted Years. "Hypnotized", their longest track to date clocking in at 2:15, feels like a slog coming after "Over Our Heads", which finds Morris screaming, "There's no free lunch for a jackass". By the time they kick into overdrive again, any initial excitement the track conjured feels squandered, and the song's momentum is lost. The elements at play are largely familiar ones-the overall sound hasn't changed much and Morris is still screaming stuff like "You need to be exorcised"-so the question stands: when's the exact moment when OFF!'s discography dips from "exciting" to merely "good"? I'll argue that it's the 47-second mark of Wasted Years' "Red White and Black", which begins with screeching feedback and a breakneck, biting attack before breaking into a slow chug. Their latest album, Wasted Years, adds another 16 tracks to the band's catalog at 23 minutes, it's their longest album, and even though this is a band that does "fast" really well, the added eight minutes threaten to completely bog down this new one. OFF! was a good album, even if the songs weren't quite as strong as the ones that made their debut such a revelation. Two years later, OFF! followed those 16 songs with 16 more on their self-titled LP.

Off wasted years